Functions & Administration
The Planners Registration Ordinance (Cap 418) was enacted in July 1991. The main objectives of the Ordinance are to establish a system for the registration of professional planners in Hong Kong and to provide for the disciplinary control of the professional activities of the registered planners. The Ordinance also protects the use of the title ” registered professional planner” and the initials “R.P.P.” The Planners Registration Board (the Board) was established in 1992 to carry out the functions as prescribed by the Ordinance.
The functions of the Board mainly include: –
- To set and review the qualification standards for registration as a R.P.P. and related registration matters;
- To process applications for registration and renewal of registration as R.P.P.s;
- To establish and maintain the Register of R.P.P.s;
- To advise the Government and the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) on registration matters; and
- To deal with disciplinary offences in accordance with the Ordinance.
The registration as a R.P.P. is valid for one year. Once registered, the person is eligible to use the title “registered professional planner” and the initials “R.P.P.” and a registration certificate will be issued to the person. The name and other relevant particulars of the registered professional planner will then be entered into the Register. The Register of R.P.P.s is available for public inspection free of charge during normal office hours at the Board’s office. Apart from being available in this Homepage, the list of the R.P.P.s is also published annually in the HKIP journal.
The Board is supported by: –

Registration Committee
which examines all applications for registration and renewal of registration and makes recommendations to the Board on these applications. The Committee also processes applications for the Qualifying Examination of the Board.

Inquiry Committee
a special committee which will be set up when necessary to process and determine any complaint concerning a disciplinary offence of a R.P.P.

Review Committee
a special committee which will be set up when necessary to review the decision of the Inquiry Committee in respect of a disciplinary offence found to be committed by a R.P.P.

appointed by the Board to maintain the Register of R.P.P.s and to serve as secretary to the Board, the Registration Committee and any Inquiry Committee.